Clubs and Organizations
Service Organizations
Alcoholics Anonymous - Dinsmore Group
- Friday evenings, 8 PM
- Dinsmore Community Hall
- 306-846-7172
- - If you want to drink, that's your business; if you want to quit, it's ours!
Kinsmen, K40's & Kinette Clubs
- Kinsmen President: Lance Morrison 306-221-6590
- Meet 1st & 3rd Monday each month except July and August
- Kinette President: Taylor Cranston
- Meet 2nd Monday every month except July and August
- K40's President: Bob Thorpe 306-846-4411
- Meet 4th tues winter months Oct - Apr
Dinsmore and District Donation Drive
- Chairman - Rod Beattie
- 306-371-2137
- Secretary - Deb Mysko
- 306-846-7054
- Treasurer - Lorna Hauta
- 306-846-7269
Dinsmore Seniors Group
- Contact
- Penny Masear, Hall Rental - 639.998.4108
- Judy Lawes, Treasurer - 306.846.4733
- Glenda Thorpe, Secretary - 306.846.4411
- Rental:
- Showers - $40
- Members - $50
- Non-Members - $75
- Meetings:
- 4th Tuesday of the month (except July and December), Potluck Supper to follow meeting at 5:00pm
- Play Shanghi Rummy Saturday’s at 1:30pm
- Birthday Party 1st Tuesday of each month at 2:00pm
Dinsmore and District Health Foundation
- Chairman: Dale Beattie
- Secretary Treasurer: Jim Main
Beautification Committee
- Members:
- Lorna Hauta - 306-846-7269
- Rod Beattie - 306-371-2137
Other Clubs and Organizations
Buckhorn Club (Wildlife)
- Meetings held based on need.
- President - Colin Thomson
- Home - 306-846-4420
- Cell - 306-846-7197
- Secretary - Norm Bailey
- Home - 306-846-4410
- Cell - 306-831-5160
- Treasure - Evan Pajunen
- Cell - 306-220-4486
Annual Events:
- Horn Nite - 1st Thursday of December
- Awards Night - 4th Sunday of January
- Fis Fry - 2nd Sunday of April
- Fire Arm Safety - Early April
Rack Shack Pool Hall & Coffee Shop
- Boards & Bites
- Family Fun & Café
*More information to come
Also See
- Arena
- Sports Grounds
- Seniors Club
Dinsmore Yoga
All Levels Yoga Fall 2022 session beginning October 17th, 5:30 P.M. DCS Gym.
Sessions are usually 8 weeks in the Fall and after New Year's.
Contact Lorna Hauta 306-846-7269 for more information.
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